Information and Contacts

Hotel Ungherese

Via Giovan Battista Amici, 8 - 50131 Firenze - Italy
Tel. +39 055 573 474 | Fax: +39 055 571 409 | E-mail:

Check-in / Check-out

The reception is open from 08.00am until 11.00pm. Check-in time starts at 03.00pm.
In case you arrive earlier and your room is not ready yet you can leave your baggage in our luggage room until your room is available.
Please remember that you always should let us know in advance in case of a late check'-in (i.e. after 11.00pm) by informing the receptionist or by pointing it out at the moment of the booking. (Late check-ins are subject to an additional charge).
The check-out time ends at 12.00 and if you need to leave your baggage in our Hotel after your check-out we can keep it in our lagguage room for as long as you need to.

About the payment

All the prices are to be considered per room.
The 'Tourist Tax' (6,00 euros per person each day) is not included in the price and you'll have to pay the whole amount of the Tax directly by cash.
Your credit card details are required only as a guarantee for your reservation.
No charge on your credit card will be made before you check-in.
The whole payment will be made directly at the Hotel unless you paid in advance for your reservation.

Hotel Cancellation Policy

The cancellation and/or changes of the reservation are free if requested by the time limit specified (3 days before the check-in).
Otherwise the payment of a penalty will be charged, equal to the price of the first night.
In case you have to leave earlier the payment of a penalty will be charged, equal to the whole amount of the reservation.
In case of a reservation for small groups, 4 or more rooms, the Hotel reserves the right to ask for an advanced payment as a guarantee and to choose a different Cancellation Policy which will be discussed when the reservation is made.

Standard Rate – Payment directly at the Hotel

If you choose this type of payment, the whole amount will have to be paid directly at the Hotel.
The Hotel reserves the right to check for your credit card validity when the reservation is made by a pre-authorization.

Prepaid Payment – Payment when the reservation is made.

If you choose this type of special payment the whole amount will be charged on your credit card.
The whole amount is not refundable.

For further information please contact us at

Hotel Ungherese - Via Giovan Battista Amici, 8 - 50131 Firenze - Italy

+39 055 573 474

+39 055 571 409

P.I. 05980160484

© 2025 Hotel Ungherese - designed & developed by